This is our first day since we picked up Ethan from Texas. We are having a blast.

Rylie had a great time with Upward Cheer this year. It was put on by Post Oak Baptist was really good to see Rylie praying and learning about God and Jesus. She made some really cool girls and her coach was amazing. Being there I saw Rylie's views change about alot of things. Rylie really is growing up fast! Awesome Job this year Rylie. Mommy and Tyler love you!

Me Tyler and Rylie went to visit Ethan at daycare before we headed back home to Kentucky. Ethan was so oooo surprised to see us when he turned the corner. I couldn't get him off my lap. We took some pictures, Ethan ate some sour candy that Tyler gave him and Ethan played on Tylers Iphone. We stayed about 45 minutes...Ethan didn't want us to go and we didn't want to leave him. Ethan we

love you and miss you so much!

Your wouldn't believe the view at this lake..OMG it's beautiful. Here are a couple I took with and without Rylie. Lake Ray Hubbard looks like a pond compared to this lake. We even had a fish jump into the boat a few weeks ago...that was wild!

Rylie was a black and green Punk Rocker....How about those black lips and fake eye She had a blast at the Lewisburg

town gathering where she got most of her candy. Then we ran to Russelville and she got a little more candy. We even got to see a few scary people dressed up giving out candy.